Judy Dearden, President
Exciting news! Millridge Elementary School now has a PUMPKIN PATCH!!!
A huge THANK YOU goes out to everyone who helped with the Millridge Elementary School Garden Expansion !!!!
The garden has now been enlarged and will be the home of a PUMPKIN PATCH. The students grew pumpkin seeds in their classrooms, and on Monday, June 3rd, each class planted one seedling each in the new garden. Perennial herbs, scented geraniums, red peppers, tomatillos, and marigolds were also planted. Here is a list of those who helped with this effort with either material, plants, or labor donations: Gates Mills Environmental Education Center instructors and students, City of Highland Heights, City of Mayfield Village, Grande’s Nursery, volunteers: Cherie and Kenny Godnavec, Anna Ketchem DeFranco, Dave Dearden, Vince Sanelli, Tony Isabella, and his daughter, Anna; from Millridge: Amy Hillis and Dennis Hoppert, the teachers and students, and Home Depot. And a special thank you to Millridge’s principal, Dr. Spencer Wiersma for agreeing to and supporting this project. Note: We also amended the new planting beds with the compost that was made in the compost tumblers over the past year. Thank you to all the student compost teams!
Highland Heights Green Task Force 2013 Campaign
Plastic can be bad for us and for the environment. Recent studies have shown that there’s more plastic than plankton in some of the remote parts of our oceans. And there are increasing reports on the human health effects of chemicals used in plastic products. Let’s also not forget that plastic is made from petroleum, which is a non-renewable resource.
Here are a few tips to reduce your use of plastics:
- Try not to “double bag” your garbage.
- Perhaps tell your server at the restaurant that you do not “need” a plastic straw before it hits the table.
- Take your own reusable container to the restaurant to take home your leftovers when you’re eating out.
- The simple most profound solution to reduce plastic consumption is to bring your own bags when you shop at the grocery store, drugstore, or mall.
- And let’s remember the problem that is the disposable plastic water bottle. There are many alternatives to plastic water bottles available.
- Another major source of plastic bag waste is the pesky flimsy plastic produce bags that accumulate in your closet. Reusable produce bags can be ordered from: www.containerstore.com, Reusable Mesh Produce Bags, Item #10052793, pkg/3.
Stop by the Highland Heights Green Task Force’s table at the Highland Hts. Community Day on July 27th for additional alternatives to plastic use.
Held at 7:00 p.m. at the Community Center, unless otherwise noted
- Aug. 7 – Business Meeting, plus ENVIRONMENTAL LOADS ON OUR BODIES w/Leslie Elia
- Sept. 4 – Gazebo Party, Potluck Dinner, 6:30-9:00 50/50 raffle, call 440-646-9820 for details
- Oct. 2 – *tentative* Collinwood Digester Quasar Energy
- Nov. 6 – Solar Options, Jon Kaplan, Pearlwind, & Lighting Options Update, Rick Evans
Thank you to all for continuing to be interested in our shared environment and how to keep it and ourselves healthy.
Please visit www.highlandhtsgreen.com or email hhgreentaskforce@yahoo.com
or call Judy Dearden @ 440-646-9820 for more information.