The campaign for 2014:
“Zero Waste”
December 3, 2014
Summary of Discussion
Judy called the meeting to order around 7:00. The following items were discussed:
- HHGTF Business Meeting – Year End Election of Officers
- Judy announced we have a quorum and can vote
- Judy provided the financial report
- We are paid up through the end of 2016
- We voted to accept the Officers and Board of Directors on the slate
- We looked at sign-up sheets with committee duties.
Misc. Dues
- 2014 Annual Report
- 2014 Zero Waste Campaign
- 2015 Clean Water Campaign
- MHS Living Lab
November 5, 2014
The Highland Heights Green Task Force hosted the first Holiday Gift Sale with 15 “green vendors” who offered a wonderful selection of items as alternatives to mass-produced products for gift giving for the holidays. The event was a great success and comments from the vendors and shoppers were all positive.
October 1, 2014
Judy provided an update on finances, little free library, Millridge garden, Attorney-General Annual Report, Sustainable Cleveland Conference, Gazebo party, Fall Family Fest, restoration planting on Bishop near Hawthorne on Oct. 11, and the Boat Float. Speaker Deez Lincoln made a presentation on Reclaimed Cleveland, Rustbelt Reclamation where he is the founder and owner.
September 3, 2014
Judy reviewed the achievements of the year including:
- Freecycles
- E-waste drives
- Financials – 501c3
- Zero waste campaign
- Little free library
- Millridge garden
- Composting
- Fermented tea party
- Greenwood Farm
- Great Lake Boat Float
- Hazardous waste drive
- Shred day
- Gates Mills Education Environmental Center Festival
- Greening your holidays’ program.
Good food, great company, and wonderful weather!
August 6, 2014
Midsummer’s Eve Social @ Greenwood Farm and the Creek
This was a joint meeting with Friends of Euclid Creek and the Greenwood Farm Association. According to Claire Posius, 94 people signed attendance sheets. Judy covered the following.
Topics Covered
- Our 501c3 application was accepted and granted
- A thank you goes to all who helped at our 4th freecycle/e waste drive in June… best one yet with great press coverage… collected 1625 pounds of electronics… total of 4 approximately 5,000 pounds and the Highland Heights Community Day table
- Little free library, Millridge garden, Great Lake Boat Float, fermented tea party on August 21
- September 3 is our gazebo potluck with zero waste
- Our upcoming project is the high school courtyard landscaping improvement
The speakers were Claire Posius and Dr. Larick.
June 4, 2014
HHGTF Business Meeting
GREEN BOOK CLUB, Book Reports, presenters…HHGTF members Judy provided an update on the upcoming freecycle event on June 22, community day on July 26, financial report, Millridge garden, the high school environmental club participating in the Lake Erie Boat Float, fermented tea party, compost demo, little free library, Gates Mills Spring Open House on May 9, Hillcrest Green Task Force, and August meeting to be with FOEC at Greenwood Farm. We then presented book reports.
May 7, 2014
Presentation: Why Are We Land-Filling Fuel
Presenter: Mike Dungan, Director of Sales & Marketing in RES POLYFLOW, an Akron, OH-based company.
Thank you to Mike Dungan, Director of Sales and Marketing for providing the presentation about the Akron-based RES Polyflow energy recovery process.
Judy provided an update on:
- Finances, 501c3
- Millridge garden
- Food composting
- Recycling
- The closing of GreenTech
- Upcoming events
- Future projects
- June 4 book report meeting
April 2, 2014: HOW TO WASTE LESS
Judy Dearden shared the following:
- HHGTF Board of Directors meeting summary
- Upcoming events and activities
- Distribution of sign-up sheets
Presentation: ZERO WASTE, the HHGTF 2014 campaign.
Judy Dearden, Pres. Highland Hts. Green Task Force presented
This was a well-attended program! Lots of audience participation and lots of laughs!
March 5, 2014
This was a BUSINESS MEETING w/an update from the Mayfield High School Environmental Club students
Judy Dearden called the meeting to order with 24 attendees, and we covered the following.
- Recycle bin grant update for Mayfield schools and Highland Heights
- Mayfield HS Environmental Club update – Students from the club reported on their efforts at community service at Metroparks, recycling awareness, sustainable energy efforts, and a biofuel project.
- Freecycle proceeds of $60 came from selling leftover books to Half Price Books – we agreed to buy pizza with this money at the next freecycle.
- Financial report
- 501c3 update
- Waste less program update
- Gates Mills Environmental club open house in May
- Green book reports will be the meeting in June
- Freecycle/E-Waste drives will be on June 22, Sunday, at the Highland Hts community park
- The fermented tea party in August will be at Milroy’s house
- Greenwood Farms event on August 6 will be with Friends of Euclid Creek
- Cook-off – we discuss possible events and agreed during the week of Oct.-Dec., possibly on Meatless Monday, would be some options
- Mayfield Hts. or Lyndhurst Home Days – are possible events where we could participate
- Planet Aid update – the Operations Manager explained the program
February 5, 2014
SUSTAINABLE CLEVELAND & the YEAR OF ZERO WASTE, presenter, Dr. Cathi Lehn, Sustainable Cleveland Coordinator
Judy called the meeting to order around 7:00 PM and covered the following topics:
Topics Covered
- Financial Report
- 501c3 application is almost complete and will be ready to submit soon
- FREECYCLE/E-WASTE Drive that was held in January at Millridge Elementary School
- FREECYCLE/E-WASTE Drive in June…we voted on June 22 for this 4th drive. We also discussed ideas for other types of FREECYCLES for the future.
- Mayfield High School Environmental Club update
- COOKING HEALTHY CLASSES w/ Leslie Elia…were a wonderful success…plans are under consideration for future events centering around healthy eating and nutrition.
- GREEN BOOK REPORTS will again be on our agenda for the June meeting…everyone should be considering what “green” book they might want to read.
Cathi Lehn took the floor and did a wonderful presentation that introduced us to the working groups, ideas on how to get involved, and begin the celebration for 2014 and the Year of Zero Waste.
The HHGTF March meeting will be a general business meeting and an update from the students involved in the newly formed Mayfield High School Environmental Club.