Judy Dearden, President
As we leave 2014 and our yearly campaign of ZERO WASTE behind, we are thankful that the City of Highland Heights has entered into the automated trash removal contract with Kimble that will begin in June. The automated system with the two separate totes (recycle tote and trash tote) has proven successful in our neighboring communities with an increase in items being recycled and a decrease in the solid trash. The reduction in solid waste results in additional cost savings for local communities. Our planet needs us to cease digging up natural resources, making products out of them, and then sending them off to their “forever graves” we call landfills. Yes, it will be a change for all of us; however, we are humans, and we have proven that we are adaptable to change!
That being said, we welcome the New Year, and the HHGTF 2015 campaign “CLEAN WATER 4 ALL”. The City of Cleveland’s Sustainable 2019 initiative for this year is also “The Year of Clean Water”. Our waters are being polluted at unprecedented rates, with pesticides, industrial chemicals, nutrients, metals, and other contaminants that homeowners may put down the drain in the form of cleaning products and personal care products. The following are a few tips on helping to keep our waters clean:
- Adopt an organic land management practice by using pesticides and fertilizers sparingly. The practice of using organic fertilizers, such as compost and compost tea is better yet. Also, check the weather forecast before applying chemicals. If it calls for rain, hold off as most of the chemicals will just become runoff that will end up in the storm drains or streams. Select native plants and grasses that need less water and chemicals.
- Remember to pick up and dispose of pet waste properly.
- Inside the home, making your own cleaning products with white vinegar, baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, club soda, etc. is a far better option than the nasty ingredients that manufacturers put in cleaning products.
I have read that only 200 of the 80,000 chemicals used in our products have been properly tested! For a list of DIY recipes for cleaning and personal care that will help keep our water healthy and clean, contact Judy Dearden at HHGreenTaskForce@yahoo.com. We need to be mindful of what we put down our drains…we all live downstream of someone!
A big thank you goes out to everyone who shopped at our GREEN VENDORS HOLIDAY GIFT SALE (see picture below) this past November! The event was a big success and another one is planned for November 7, 2015!
- Apr. 1 – FOOD and WATER WATCH, presentation by Alison Auciello
- May 6 – DRINK LOCAL, DRINK TAP, “Making Waves” a documentary must see!
- June 3 – GREEN BOOK CLUB, book reports by HHGTF members, always fun and informative.
All of these events will be held at 7:00 p.m. at the Highland Hts. Community Center.
No money is charged for items. Bring “stuff” (no junk) to give away, and help yourself to stuff from others. This recycling event is to help decrease the amount of “usable items” that might find their way into landfills.
“E-Waste Recycle Drive”
This is a recycling drive to collect items that once ran on electricity or a battery, i.e.: toaster ovens, cell phones, old power strips/surge protectors, microwaves, fans, etc. This type of drive is designed to keep these items out of the landfills and to recycle the pieces/parts of the items. NOTE: We cannot accept non-flat screen TVs or CRT monitors. No FREON or mercury accepted.
Both events will be held Sunday, June 21, 2015, at the Highland Hts. Community Park – 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Thank you to all for continuing to be interested in our shared environment and how to keep it and ourselves healthy.
Please visit www.highlandhtsgreen.com, or email hhgreentaskforce@yahoo.com
or call Judy Dearden @ 440-646-9820 for more information.