Judy Dearden, President
Seven hundred and fifty million people worldwide lack access to clean water. Have you considered how fortunate those of us living on and near the Great Lakes are with our source of freshwater? According to our Euclid Creek Watershed Coordinator, Claire Posius, “While water quality has improved over the decades since the passage of the Clean Water Act, we are now addressing degraded water quality from land management practices. Elevated levels of nutrients, from lawn fertilizers and animal waste (to name a few sources), and road salt getting into our creeks and streams and ultimately to Lake Erie, are the next challenges we face in improving water quality, but there are many things that you can do to help…”What we put down our drains, and onto our lawns that becomes run-off in our storm sewers affects the condition of our streams, rivers, and lakes and must be reconsidered. This year the Highland Heights Green Task Force’s “Green Living Sealer Series” program has and will continue to have speakers that will give us tips and advice on what each of us can do, in and around our homes, to contribute less to the pollution problems in our watersheds. It is time for us all to take action and consider changing some of our habits for a healthier future for all.
If you would like to receive the file on “DIY Recipes for Cleaning and Personal Care” that will help keep our waters healthy and clean, send me an email, or attend one of our programs and pick up a flyer.
Thank you HHGTF members, Deb Harpp, Anna, and Ron Hinkle for working the outreach table at Hillcrest Hospital’s Earth Day Celebration. Our friends from the Soil and Water District donated a rain barrel that was raffled off… hopefully, the winner has it hooked up to capture some of the beneficial rain we have received recently.
More thanks to Rick Evans, Mary Fash, and Al Hess for working the HHGTF “Clean Water 4 All” display table at the recent Spring Plant Sale… many people stopped by and we were able to share lots of tips on what they can do to keep our water clean. It was encouraging to hear that many people have changed their habits to decrease water pollution.
As the weather warms, and you start visiting our wonderful community swimming pool, please visit the Little Free Library that was donated by the HHGTF in front of the pool house. Please take a free book, and leave one or more books if you have some to donate.
Through the crowdfunding site www.CreekLife.com and the call to action the students from the Environmental Club posted to the site, enough funds have been raised to purchase one Bottle Refill Station for Mayfield High School. These stations retrofit over existing water fountains for the purpose of allowing the easy refill of reusable water bottles. There are still five more fountains to go, so please consider a donation…$5, $10, $25…or more!
- July 25 – Highland Hts. Community Day, Stop by the HHGTF table from 12-7:00 p.m.
- August 5 – Midsummer’s Night Social @ the Creek GREENWOOD FARM, Richmond Rd., partners are Highland Hts. Task Force, Friends of Euclid Creek, Greenwood Farm, Soil and Water District. Speaker: Arborist Chad Clink from the Holden Arboretum “Trees and Clean Water”
Thank you to all for continuing to be interested in our shared environment and how to keep it and ourselves healthy. Please visit www.highlandhtsgreen.com, or email hhgreentaskforce@yahoo.com
or call Judy Dearden @ 440-646-9820 for more information.