Judy Dearden, President
The HHGTF is now in its 10th year. With that being said, this has definitely been one of the most challenging years for the entire world since we began. All of our meetings and events, including the FREECYCLE/EWaste drive, have been canceled or at least placed on hold for the time being, writing this article has also been a challenge.
The goal of the Highland Heights Green Task Force is to “promote and organize community educational programs and projects with an emphasis on environmentally friendly living.” Even if we cannot meet in person for a while, it is still important to continue being mindful of how we go forward with living our lives so that it will have a slight impact on the environment. Many of you may have seen photos of how clean the air is now in major cities during this pandemic. These are cities that once had so much air pollution you could hardly see the buildings.
I just received a copy of an industry magazine “Plastics Recycling Update”. An article brought up the issue that the amount of bottles and containers being recycled over the past few months has decreased dramatically. Unfortunately, it is not because people aren’t buying them, it is because they are recycling them less. We are fortunate to have convenient, curbside recycling collection by the City’s rubbish contractor, Kimble. Let’s do our part to make sure we recycle what we can. Please see the recycling basics chart below.
It saddens me to see how we have had to forgo using our own reusable bags in all stores now. So many years were spent around the country and world trying to move away from single-use plastic bags. Hopefully, at some time in the future, we can pick up where we left off due to this virus.
In keeping with our 2020 Campaign “Taking Care of Us’ ‘ one of the easiest and best activities we can do for ourselves is “Nature Bathing”. The following information is from https://www.besthealthmag.ca/.
While I am not a medical professional, much has been written about the physical and mental health benefits of “Nature/Forest Bathing”, i.e. spending time outside in nature. According to Dr. Li, “forest bathing” can boost the immune system, increase energy, decrease anxiety, depression, and anger, reduce stress, and bring about a state of relaxation while clearing the mind. We are so fortunate in Highland Heights to live so close to many wonderful areas where we can do this. We have a fabulous Metropark system with the North Chagrin Reservation, Euclid Creek Reservation, Euclid Beach Park, Wildwood Park, and our own wonderful Highland Hts. Community Park, for “Nature Bathing” or simply a leisurely stroll around the neighborhood.
I have often mentioned making your own cleaning products with natural ingredients. However, I want to point out that vinegar is not recommended by the CDC as a product that will kill the COVID-19 virus. For a list of CDC-recommended disinfectants, go to the CDC website.
We would like to congratulate the winners of the Highland Heights Alan Lorenz Environmental Scholarship, graduating Mayfield High School seniors, Marlee Snider and Jack Kerver! We wish you both much success with your careers!
All events through the end of the year are either canceled or postponed. Please check our website for any updates. Stay safe and healthy!
Thank you to all for continuing to be interested in our shared environment and how to keep it and ourselves healthy. Please visit www.highlandhtsgreen.com, or email hhgreentaskforce@yahoo.com or call Judy Dearden @ 440-646-9820 for more information.