Judy Dearden, President
2023 CAMPAIGN: “Nature and Us”
Nature and Us…Something to think about:
A quote from “Braiding Sweetgrass” by Indigenous author, scientist, mother, and professor, Robin Wall Kimmerer:
”The endangered spruce-fir moss spider in boreal forests is in danger of losing their habitats due to global warming.“
She asks the question:
“How will people ever care for the fate of the moss spider if we don’t teach students to recognize and respond to the world as a gift?”
Hopefully, the speaker presentations that the HHGTF has hosted – over 144 in 13 years – have encouraged our community to consider changing some habits to live more environmentally friendly lifestyles.
HHGTF Membeship
Our paid membership has stayed strong throughout the years, now sitting at 66 members. The HHGTF certainly could not have made such a positive difference without your help. So, again, thank you everyone!!!!
Annual Freecycle/E-Waste Drive
Another success! So many “treasures” found new homes, and items left over at the end of the day went on to a charity. The E-WASTE collection kept another 1200 lbs. from going to the landfill, an estimated 10 tons of e-waste has been collected and sent on for recycling over the past 13 years. At the event we also collected unused recyclable shopping bags that will be distributed to those who have not had access to them. Thank you all who donated!
GLASS RECYCLING BIN: Please remember to rinse your jars and bottles before putting in the bin. Also only glass, not lids or plastic bags.
ALUMINUM CAN RECYCLING: Just a reminder that there is a location in the back of the fire department for depositing your bagged (and rinsed) cans, for the children’s burn unit.
Using Social Media Well
GREENER TOGETHER NETWORK of Northeast Ohio is a new Facebook group launched recently. I (Judy Dearden), along with our web designer/advisor Angela Berlingeri and Katharyne Starinsky, Program Officer, Cuyahoga County Office of Sustainability worked together to get this network up and going.
If you are on Facebook we invite you to join the group! It’s a great location to find out what events are happening in our area that might be of interest to you. We already have many members including:
- WildOnes
- Cuyahoga Solid Waste District
- Cuyahoga Soil and Water
- Sustainable Heights Network
- EcoSpeaks Cle
- Buy Nothing So. Euclid
- Friends of Euclid Creek
- South Euclid Recycling Committee,
- Student Conservation Association
…to mention a few, and many individuals who are interested in environmental events and information.
Here is a description:
“Greener Together Network of Northeast Ohio aims to provide a shared platform for local, community-based environmental groups. A place to share opportunities, educational resources and events, and ongoing inspiration. We ARE greener together!”
Thank You
To all of you who continue to be interested in our shared environment and how to keep it and ourselves healthy. Please do what you can to stay safe and healthy!
For more information, contact Judy Dearden @ hhgreentaskforce@yahoo.com or call 440-646-9820 for more information.