Judy Dearden, President
2024 CAMPAIGN: “The World Around Us”
In April and May we had guest speakers who each gave very informative presentations.
April’s presentation was given by Cathi Lehn, City of Cleveland’s Office of Sustainability, who explained the “Circular Economy”. Moving from theory to practice and how it works and will benefit us all through sharing, leasing, reusing, repairing, refurbishing and recycling existing materials and products for as long as possible.
In May, our speaker was Dr. Joe MacDonald, Director of Strategic and Environmental Planning with NOACA. Dr. MacDonald’s presentation was an update on the overall climate action planning process in Northeast Ohio; how people can reduce their impact on climate; and how to reduce the impact of climate on people.
We had a full house for both presentations, thank you to all who attended.
Perhaps many of you have been hearing more and more about “Forever Chemicals” recently. It’s alarming when experts explain how long it takes our bodies to break down harmful “forever” chemicals known as PFAS, and they appear in just about everything, the air, the water, the food we eat…and us! In October we will run a short documentary about these chemicals, what they are and where they are found. Then, Kate Chapel, our Cuyahoga County Soil and Water watershed coordinator, who is also a botanist, will give a presentation giving additional information on the topic. Please join us!
Little Free Library
Just a reminder, the little library (at the pool entrance in our city park) is for all to use. We would appreciate it if you take a book! Then perhaps next time you are in the park, bring a book to leave for others to enjoy!
Upcoming Events
- June 23 – Freecycle/E-Waste Drive, 10 am to 3 pm City Park Barn. Please….no drop-offs after 1:30 pm
- July – no meetings, summer break
- Aug 7 – Field Trip, “Secret Hosta Garden of Chagrin Falls, 2 pm, please email Judy if you plan to attend.
- Sept 4 – Zero Waste Potluck Dinner, *note location is the barn in the park! 6 PM
- Oct 2 – Movie & Discussion 6:30 “Forever Chemicals” documentary, also Kate Chapel, watershed coordinator and botanist will tie into this topic.
- Nov 6 – Steering committee working meeting…everyone is invited to attend
Thank You…
To all of you who continue to be interested in our shared environment and how to keep it and ourselves healthy. Please do what you can to stay safe and healthy!
For more information, contact Judy Dearden@hhgreentaskforce@yahoo.com