Toxins and Us
GOOD NEWS! Today, there are more and more earth-friendly – HUMAN-friendly – products on the market.
Though we continue to be drawn by slick advertising into buying toxic cosmetics, yard, and household products, we can choose better!
We at HHGTF are dedicated to helping everyone to discern safe, healthy products from toxic and dangerous ones. Learn all that you can to protect yourself and all those that you love.
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Join HHGTF to work towards a brighter future for all of us. Enjoy the informative articles below (click on the titles for the full articles) to learn about other resources.
HHGTF focused on this issue in 2017. You can review the groups’ activities in the Newsletters and Meeting Notes of that year.
Click the Titles Below to Read More About Each Topic
8 Tips to Avoid Toxins in Foods
This short list can go a long way towards avoiding toxins in our food, water and food preparation. Read food labels! Words like natural, real, and whole-grain have little-to-no real meaning. They are simply marketing buzzwords.Certified Organic, on the other hand, DOES have meaning and requires verification to meet organic standards. Avoid heating plastics in…
Shop for Green Cleaning Products
We know shopping for green cleaning products can be challenging, so we have gathered some brands for you, listed below. You can find most brands of these brands at local grocery stores, as well as online. Click on the brand names listed below for links for product information. Brands Grove Betterlife Method Mrs. Meyers Seventh…
10 Recipes to Green Your Clean
Common household cleaners usually contain toxic chemicals and substances that are harmful to your family and the environment. In addition, these cleaners are packaged in plastic bottles which also leads to plastic bottle pollution. Plastics are made with fossil fuels, which makes them environmentally hazardous, and they do not biodegrade. It can actually take up…